# All-Star Update 🥳
## Dear lords,
## We have received lots of feedback about All-Star from you. We appreciate your attention sincerely and have reported all of them to our developer team.
## There have been three issues that players complain about the most. First, the matchmaking score problem caused some players to lose the qualification to register for the All-Star. Second, there were issues with the hero bans in the warm-up match last week. Third, some players had soldiers who were in the hospital for treatment and could not participate in All-Star, which will put them at a disadvantage. In response to the above issues, I have reported them to our team and asked them to make some adjustments. Please read the following pic carefully.
# 🔥 The most important news is that you will be able to sign up for All-Star from 27th. to 29th. July (Game Time)! Don't miss this chance! 🔥